Our signature full body relaxation massage designed to relax you like a lazy afternoon at the beach.
1 Hour- $70.00
1/2 Hour- $45.00
Signature full body relaxation massage designed to relax you like a lazy afternoon at the beach. But the service includes a beverage of your choice, flowers and chocolates. The service is enhanced with a treatment on the feet with warm coconut butter then wrapped with hot towels. It ends on a delicious note with aromatherapy and hot towels. This session is longer than an hour.
For you all you athletes-beach volley ball players, beachcombers, mommy athletes, computer athletes, gardening athletes-sportsmassage techniques are brisker, firmer, more fast paced and concentrates on specific muscle groups and problem areas.
1 Hour- $75.00
1/2 Hour- $45.00
This is very specifically applied, more intense soft tissue technique designed to address more troubling problems such as TMJD, Chronic headaches, and backaches from a strictly soft tissue perspective. Advanced level Certified NeuroMuscular Therapist on staff.
1 Hour- $75.00
1/2 Hour- $45.00
For those who want the luxury of a full-body massage with extra attention on those problem areas, more time is required. 90 Minutes is the norm for this but can be extended to 2 hours.
90 Minutes- $105.00
This massage focuses on everybody's favorite areas-head, neck, shoulders, feet and back-to melt away tension from these overworked body parts.
1 Hour- $75.00
To nurture the nurturer of new life-great care is taken to make her feel comfortable and safe. No chemicals or oils are used that are not totally pregnancy safe. A half session takes about 40 minutes and focuses on neck/shoulders, legs and feet. A full session addresses the entire body and takes approximately 80 minutes.
1 Hour- $80.00
1/2 Hour- $50.00
Based on techniques from ancient India, this bodywork form is done on a mat on the floor with the client fully clothed. Pressure is applied with both hands and feet and active and passive range of motion is utilized. This dynamic technique opens up tight joints and revitalizes and calms the body's energy systems. A session lasts about 80 minutes.
1 Session- $95.00
Basic session uses warmed metamorphic stones to melt away tensions and cares like lying on the beach in the sun. Stones are used to apply massage techniques as well as the hands. NeuroStone uses the hot stones to enhance a Neuromuscular Session.
-Basic Session (75 minutes) - $100
Neuro-stone- $80
Steamy Wonder Session:
Done on the massage table the Steamy Wonder™ uses a patented heat circulation design that provides a soothing flow of steam and an even distribution of heat. Within 2-3 minutes, the canopy fills with steam and heat, just like a professional steam room loosening tight muscles and relaxing the body from head to toe. This service is a great addition to any service, especially and intensive or deep tissue massage.